Hotline +6589279005
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Batam Spa – Kamaya Spa is situated in the heart of Penuin district in Batam Island, Indonesia. It is located across the new shopping mall named Grand Batam (previously called Top 100) and 5 minutes walk from BCS Mall as well as various hotels such as i Hotel Baloi, Batam City Hotel, Gideon Hotel and many more. It is also located just 5 minutes drive away from Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall.

The word ‘Kamaya’ comes from Hawaiian that means ‘Precious One’. Kamaya Spa strives to offer unique experience to all our customers whom we value them as ‘Precious One’. The batam spa owners, with their adoration to detail, has put in tremendous effort into building the Spa facility on the philosophy to bring out the unique and vintage Balinese design in the midst of our urban lifestyle. The antique Balinese design of the Spa merges with local natural building materials such as stone and wood, providing the most relaxing, clean and comfortable ambience for enjoying a variety of blissful and rejuvenating treatments.



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Blk 450, Tampines St 42 (S)520450

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